Friday, 25 July 2014

Green Land Form: Yuccaflaccida/Flaccid Leaf Yucca, YuccaScient...

Green Land Form: Yuccaflaccida/Flaccid Leaf Yucca, Yucca

: Yuccaflaccida/Flaccid Leaf Yucca, Yucca Scientific Name: Yucca flaccida Common Name: Flaccid Leaf Yucca, Yucca Plant Type:...

Yuccaflaccida/Flaccid Leaf Yucca, Yucca

Scientific Name:
Yucca flaccida
Common Name:Flaccid Leaf Yucca, Yucca
Plant Type:Evergreen
Leaf Type:Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone:6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Determine Your Zone
Height:2- 5 feet
Spread:2 -3 feet
Bloom time:Spring, Summer
Flower color:White
Fruit present:Fall
Fruit color:Brown
Light Exposure:Sun, Morning sun
Drainage:Well drained, Dry
Rate of Growth:Slow
Water Requirement:Low
Landscape Categories:
Comments:This yucca makes an excellent ground-covering rosette of foliage because it stays quite low with little or no trunk. New plants form around a mature specimen. Provide full sunlight and well-drained soils for yuccas. Thin, white colored threads are formed along the leaf margins. This yucca does not pose the danger that many of the yuccas because the leaves are soft, although there is a spine at the tip of each leaf.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Mostvariegated plantsare actually mutations!
Chlorophyll is the green pigment needed for photosynthesis. 

In variegated leaves, the cells that are genetically unable toproduce this pigment appear white; some pigments in the mutated cells can produce pink or yellow. These interesting and attractive plants are prized by most gardeners, and highly cultivated by nurseries. A variegated plant will grow more slowly because of its reduced ability to produce food energy.

Friday, 11 July 2014

July Gardening Jobs


Its time to sow Fall/Autumn vegetables
Beans: Sow from Mid July to Mid August. Harvest in around 55 days time.
Broccoli: Sow from Mid July to Mid August. Harvest in around 60 to 70 days time.
Cabbage: Sow from Early July to Mid August. Harvest in around 60 to 75 days time.
Chinese Cabbage: Sow throughout July. Harvest in around 40 to 50 days time.
Cauliflower: Sow from Mid July to Mid August. Harvest in around 55 to 65 days time.
Collards: Sow throughout July and August. Harvest in around 65 to 70 days time.
Cucumber: Sow throughout July. Harvest in around 50 to 55 days time.
Kale: Sow throughout July and August. Harvest in around 55 to 65 days time.
Kohlrabi: Sow from Mid July and throughout August. Harvest in around 40 to 50 days time.
Lettuce: Sow from Early July through to Mid September. Harvest in around 40 to 50 days time.
Mustard: Sow throughout July and August. Harvest in around 35 to 45 days time.
Potatoes: Sow throughout July. Harvest in around 90 to 120 days time.
Summer Squash: Sow from Mid July to Mid August. Harvest in around 40 to 50 days time.
Tomatoes: Sow throughout July. Harvest in around 70 to 80 days time.
Carry on sowing seeds of salad and herb plants for continued harvests.
Harvest seed from foxgloves and sow into pots.
Harvest Rhubarb, Potatoes and Shallots when they are ready.
Pick fruits when ripe.
Harvest Gooseberries towards the end of the month when they become ripe.
Pick, use and dry herbs.
If you have Brassica species growing then now is a good time to transplant them from your seedbed to their final position. Once transplanted protect them with cardboard or carpet collars; this will help to protect them from cabbage root fly. Also cover with netting to prevent them being eaten by cabbage white butterflies. If you see any butterfly eggs rub them off using your fingers.
Once Leeks are about the thickness of a pencil they should be transplanted from their seedbed.
If you are planning on sowing swede (Swedish turnip) this month it is a good idea to cover the seeds with fleece to protect them from flea beetles.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Celosia Bombay

Germinating of Celosia by  Seeds 

Tender annual cut flower
Sowing; January to May at 24°C, cover with a thin layer of vermiculite, compost, germination 1-2 weeks
Crop Time; 12-14 weeks
Growing On; Planting density 48-64 plants per usable m2. Use 12.5cm x 12.5cm netting with supports every two metres.
Temperature; Soil temperature should be 17°C at planting. Air temperature should be 18-20°C for three weeks after planting, then 16-18°C.
Temperature should be lowered to 15-16°C from visible buds to flowering.

Watering; Ensure the soil is evenly moist. Water as necessary until bud formation, then keep as dry as possible. Use soil level irrigation and only water when the weather conditions will allow drying in the crop.
Fertilization; Keep the fertilizer levels low throughout production.
Shading; Crop can be shaded during high light intensity in spring and summer. It is important to shade during harvest.
Harvest; When crown is completely formed.

Common diseases and pests; If the soil has not been sterilized beforehand, it is advisable to treat the plants with a fungicide against soil borne diseases immediately after planting. Aphids and Leaf Minor should be monitored and necessary action taken.

Growing Dwarf Celosia from Seeds

Plant type: Tender Annual
Uses: Pot plant
Plant Height: 25 – 30 cm
Sowing: 24 0C. Do not cover
Germination:  2 - 3 weeks. Need maximum light after germination.
Sow January/February for April/May flowering
Sow April for flowering June – July
Approximate crop timing
Sowing to transplanting 4 – 6 weeks
Sowing to flowering 10 – 12 weeks

Growing on:
Temperature Optimum day 18 – 21 0C, night 13 - 18 0C.
pH 5.5 – 6.0
Feeding program 7 – 10 day intervals. NPK feed in a 1.5:1:2 formulation four weeks after potting. Once flower buds have initiated change to a 1:0:2 feed. Watering Keep uniformly moist and humid until established. Ensure the compost does not dry out.
Pot size 10 – 12 cm.
Advice Root system is very sensitive, be careful with transplanting.
Common pests Watch for Aphids, Thrips, Leaf Miners and
and diseases Spider Mite, especially at the young plant stage.

Botrytis - grey mould and root diseases if grown too wet.